This report details the methodology and results of the pilot of the Metro Manila Counts! (MMC) project held on June 8, 2021 and was implemented by 168 citizen volunteers in the four cities of Metro Manila, namely Pasig, San Juan, Marikina and Quezon City. The Metro Manila Counts is a citizen-led collaborative bicycle and pedestrian count effort by the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, MNL Moves, The Climate Reality Project Philippines, Pilipinas, and the Pinay Bike Commuter Community. This pilot was implemented in partnership with the local government units (LGUs) of Marikina City, San Juan City, Pasig City, and Quezon City.
The report intends to provide a baseline for an annual volunteer count program, and to encourage local conversations about the importance of monitoring and baseline data gathering such as bicycle and pedestrian counts to inform planning and advocacies for more inclusive and sustainable transportation options for cities and communities.