Navigating Post-GST1 in the Region: Opportunities for Multilateralism in the NDC-Updating Processes

by Danize Marie Lukban and Danica Marie Supnet (Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities)

The outcomes of the First Global Stocktake (GST1) highlights multilateralism as one of the drivers for international cooperation, particularly in building partnerships among governments and non-Party stakeholders to address the interconnected issues of climate change and development relevant to the countries and regions.

Regional Stocktaking. By contextualizing the outcomes of the GST1 within the regions, Parties and non-Party stakeholders in the region can be informed towards more evidence-based and needs-based solutions aimed at climate-resilient development. Regional stocktaking is a strategic action in support of the need to assess global collective progress in achieving Paris Agreement goals, particularly of the forward-looking aspects with lessons from the national and sub-national levels, as well as the shared experiences within the region at the core of the political and technical assessments. The Regional Climate Centers and Climate Weeks are in the best position to provide the space for technical and political discussions.

Technical Assessment and Reference to the Best Available Science. Roundtable discussions have improved from the inception to the third and final session, living up to the essence of ‘learning by doing.’ However, these discussions must be based on the IPCC assessments. By leveraging the best available science in the region, Parties and relevant stakeholders are in the best position to identify where immediate action is needed and to develop long-term strategies for reducing emissions and building climate resilience. The technical assessments including the submissions should be pivotal in determining signals and indicators to support countries in updating their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).

Non-Party stakeholders as active partners. The decision must not end at acknowledging non-Party stakeholders, but ensure that the enabling environment for collaboration is present and not an afterthought. Non-Party stakeholders were invited to several dialogues despite the short notice announcements and were able to deliver perspectives from the regions and sectors being represented. Underscoring the active engagement with non-Party stakeholders, such as civil society organizations and the private sector, in driving climate action in regions has demonstrated the successful implementation of climate action policies and initiatives.