[2023] Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance in the Philippines: Perspectives from the Sectoral Consultations


The Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) and the West Flanders Synergy Project convened a roundtable discussion in April 2019 to initially explore the state of play of CDRFI. The discussion focused on the viability of weather index-based insurance (WII) as a risk transfer mechanism (RTM) for the agriculture sector. It also generally outlined the key players of insurance-related RTMs, which include indemnity-based, crop revenue, and weather index-based approaches. The challenges of leveling the playing field for these products to be marketable while being acceptable and affordable to farmers were also conferred during the roundtable discussion. However, WII products are still seen as too technical and expensive and are thus unattractive to smallholder beneficiaries. 

[2023] Local Contexts, Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities for Coordinated Multi-stakeholder Management of Climate Change Impacts


This study was conducted by the Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, in partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), as part of the global Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) project. This report compiles the experiences of stakeholders from various groups in Northern Mindanao and highlights the need to enhance organizational capacity, improve access to services, and establish partnership structures. The confluence of these, when addressed, allows for a concerted response to the landscape and consciousness of policymaking, inclusivity in substantial and relevant changes in the financial conditions of all stakeholders and partners, and a stronger and louder voice for policy influence. 

[2023] Enhancing Resilience of Vulnerable Local Communities Through Multi-Actor Partnership for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance


This study was conducted by the Visayas State University, in partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), as part of the global Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) project. To formally start the MAP implementation in the Philippines, ICSC, in partnership with the VSU Regional Climate Change Research and Development Center, and with the support of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative, has organized a series of local inception workshops, particularly in Haiyan-affected areas. 

[2023] Local Focus Group Discussions on Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance


This study was conducted by the Benguet State University, in partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), as part of the global Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) project. It utilized inception workshops and focus group discussions (FGDs) in the communities of Benguet and Ifugao in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) to generate local-based information that will be used in developing pipeline climate and disaster risk reduction (DRR) financing projects, particularly for climate-related disaster-prone areas; analyze the local landscape of effective means of implementation, such as finance, technology, and capacity building; and examine investment costs of priority adaptation and mitigation actions.

[2021] Climate Finance Adaptation Study Report: Philippines


According to the projection of the OECD, global climate finance from public sources have already reached 66.8 billion USD. Its utilization in developing countries increased and it mobilized projects to address climate change and its impacts. It is crucial that the needs of developing countries are recognized in order to understand how climate finance can be mobilized. Continued commitment to advance climate finance is essential but recipients must be able to maximize the finance at hand and use it effectively.  However, there is a necessity to effectively track climate finance from the global perspective to the local level to ensure transparency in the project details. Improving transparency in tracking available finance also increases accountability, ensuring that climate commitments are met with the help of climate finance.

[2015] From Tracking to Action
Promoting Social Accountability in Adaptation Finance


Civil society has the power to make adaptation finance more transparent and accountable. The Adaptation Finance Accountability Initiative (AFAI) has developed a proven set of methods that civil society organizations can use to track the flow of adaptation funds and push their governments to direct those flows more effectively.

[2015] Project Philippines:
Adaptation Finance Accountability Initiative


Project Philippines is the project narrative for The Adaptation Finance Initiative (AFAI), an international initiative that seeks to track international funds tagged as adaptation finance. AFAI in the Philippines was made possible through the partnership of iCSC with Overseas Development Institute (ODI), World Resources Institute (WRI), and Oxfam. AFAI is also being undertaken with other country partners in Zambia, Uganda, and Nepal.

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