Climate Risks increasing worldwide – even for High-Income Countries

2019-12-05T17:35:15+08:0005 Dec 2019|Tags: , , |

Global Climate Risk Index: Japan and Germany hit hardest by heat waves and drought in 2018 Philippines on rank 2 struck by tropical cyclones Puerto Rico, Myanmar and Haiti with highest weather-related losses 1999 - 2018 Nearly 500,000 people killed as a result of more than 12,000 extreme weather events that caused 3.5 trillion US-Dollars in [...]

Vulnerable Leaders Call: COP25 must secure 2020 action for survival of nations

2019-12-05T22:42:21+08:0002 Dec 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Vulnerable nations call for COP25 decision to increase ambition of NDCs in 2020 Aim to mobilize $20 billion in the next two years to finance innovations for vulnerable economies Call for UN Special Rapporteur on climate change backed by new vulnerable nations’ Fund Bangladesh announced as incoming Climate Vulnerable Forum Chair for 2020 Download the press [...]

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