New renewable energy strategy pushed [DailyTribune]

2024-02-05T04:22:44+08:0028 Jan 2024|Tags: , , , , |

by Elmer Recuerdo | January 27, 2024| Published by Daily Tribune | READ THE STORY HERE The Philippines is the second country to launch the Responsible Energy Initiative and the first in Southeast Asia. Various international and Philippine-based think tanks and civil society organizations are calling for a stronger collaboration across the renewable [...]

Salcedo Mayor Melchor Mergal commits to integrate renewable energy in disaster risk reduction

2021-04-21T17:57:05+08:0020 Apr 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“In a municipality that is prone to disasters, we have to keep abreast with the new technologies that are adaptable, practical and are cost effective. Indeed, energy is not included in our clusters of responses during disasters and emergencies; today’s event gave us the required knowledge how important it is for the energy cluster to [...]

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