In the old traditional sense, power, and the plants that produce it, can be categorized based on the type of demand they serve (baseload, intermediate, peaking). Baseload power is an energy resource that provides the minimum amount of electric power required by the load demand to remain operational 24/7. Intermediate and peaking power plants address the highly fluctuating needs of the load demand during peak hours. Despite the high variability in load requirements, heavy investments over the past decade have been poured mostly into baseload coal to support the country’s economic development that lead to a reduced share of renewable energy (RE).
This report compiles and analyzes energy data from various institutions of the Philippine energy sector and other research findings to assess the reliability and viability of coal and variable renewable energy sources (vRE) from 2017 to 2021. The objective of this report is to provide evidence that shows how advancing the energy transition is the economic way forward. By providing this evidence, relevant stakeholders and audiences may be better informed and initiate dialogues on how the government and other regulating bodies can implement policies and mechanisms to aid in structural change for efficient RE integration into the grid.
Authored by the Clean, Affordable, Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) Philippines project team:
- Alberto Dalusung III, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC)
- Jephraim Manansala, ICSC
- Marion Lois Tan, ICSC
- Mila Jude, ICSC
- Ferdinand Larona, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Philippines
- Christian Melchert, GIZ Philippines
- Richard Antonio, GIZ Philippines
- Judit Hecke, NewClimate Institute
- Mathis Rogner, Agora Energiewende